




















エイゴン一世 征服王と呼ばれる300年前に七王国を征服・解体した歴史上の人物。
レイラ 狂王の妹であり妻。
レイガー 狂王の第一王子。
ヴィセーリスゲーム・オブ・スローンズ登場人物|ヴィセーリス・ターガリエン役俳優ハリー・ロイド 狂王の第二王子。
デナーリスゲーム・オブ・スローンズ登場人物|デナーリス・ターガリエン役女優エミリア・クラーク ドラゴンストーン城付近で生まれた狂王の娘。
エリア・マーテル 第一王子レイガーの妻。正式な嫁なのにエリア・ターガリエンと呼ばれないのは、混乱回避用のマーテル家出身強調か、血統守る近親相姦家系なので嫁に家名与えないかどちらか。
レイニス 第一王子レイガーエリア・マーテルの娘。王女。征服王の妹と同名。
レイガーの息子 第一王子レイガーエリア・マーテルの息子。赤子。HBOドラマでは名前語られず。原作では征服王と同名エイゴン
バリスタン・セルミーゲーム・オブ・スローンズ登場人物|王の盾総帥バリスタン・セルミー役俳優イアン・マッケルヒニー 第一王子レイガーの護衛。王の盾、七王国一の剣士。
オーリス 300年前のターガリエン家司令官。バラシオン家創始者。征服王エイゴンの兄弟?と噂される歴史上の人物。
ロバートゲーム・オブ・スローンズ登場人物|ロバート・バラシオン役俳優マーク・アディ ロバートの反乱首謀者。里子としてアリン家で育ち、エダードと仲良し義兄弟。またその妹リアナの婚約者。
スタニスゲーム・オブ・スローンズ登場人物|スタニス・バラシオン役俳優スティーヴン・J・ディレイン ロバートの弟。バラシオン家居城ストームズエンド守備を担当したらしい。
リカード スターク家当主。
ブランドン リカードの長男。ドラマ中当たり前のように語られるがエダードの妻キャトリン・タリーゲーム・オブ・スローンズ登場人物|キャトリン・スターク役女優ミシェル・フェアリーの元許嫁。
リアナ リカードの長女。ロバートの婚約者。
タイウィンゲーム・オブ・スローンズ登場人物|タイウィン・ラニスター役俳優チャールズ・ダンス 狂王の“”を務め七王国を繁栄させた実力者。
サーセイゲーム・オブ・スローンズ登場人物|サーセイ・ラニスター役女優レナ・ヘディ タイウィンの長女、ジェイミーの双子の姉。
ジェイミーゲーム・オブ・スローンズ登場人物|ジェイミー・ラニスター役俳優ニコライ・コスター=ワルドー タイウィンの長男、サーセイの双子の弟。
ジョン・アリン アリン家当主。ロバートエダードの里親。


1. “狂王エイリス”~バラシオン編

参照動画→History and Lore Mad King Aerys – House Baratheon

1. History and Lore Mad King Aerys – House Baratheon

Aerys Targaryen was the last of his name to sit on the Throne, known far and wide as the “Mad King”. He was a reign of instabillty in terror. The Seven Kingdoms are well rid of him and his kind.

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Oh, he may have appeared to be a capable ruler at first. But that was due in no small part to his counselors led by the hands of the king, Tywin Lannister. There may have been years of peace and prosperity during Aerys’s reign, but it was Tywin it was really running the country as Aerys spiraled further and further into insanity.

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The dragon spawn were famous for losing their minds. It was the price they paid for centuries of keeping the bloodlines pure. And Aerys more than happily continued the noble sister [fu伏字でしたng] tradition of his forefathers. As the years past, Aerys’s behavior became increasingly erratic. He cut himself so often on his Iron throne, many referred to him as king scab, though never to his face. It was rumoured he had developed an obsession with wildfire and was known to inflict horrific punishments on those he considered enemies including burning them alive.

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As his paranoia and bloodlust grew, he had a bitter falling-out with Lord Tywin who had served the crown faithfully for twenty years. At least Tywin was able to leave the job with his life and fortunes intact, Subsequent hands of the king Aerys weren’t so fortunate.

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Then the targaryen went too far, the crown Prince Rhaeger abucted Lyanna Stark, daughter of Rickard Stark, the Lord of Winterfell. She was my betrothed, she was my beloved, beautiful and spirited woman, and I loved her more than life itself. Rhaeger went south with Lyanna hiding he away in Dorne. What harm he inflicted on the poor girl, the gods only know.

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Brandon Stark, Lyanna’s eldest brother was outraged. He rode to King’s Landing to confront the king and his sister’s safe return. Instead Aerys had him executed, his father Rickard Stark as well. There wasn’t much left to discuss after that.

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Aerys feared their loved ones would seek revenge for what he did. He was right to be afraid. Aerys wasted no time in calling for the heads of Brandon’s younger brother, my friend, Eddard Stark. And my head too of course. I’m sorry he didn’t come looking for it himself.

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Alongside Jon Arryn of the Vale, the man who fostered Ned and I as chilren, Baratheon’s, Stark’s and Tully’s all called their banners. Once our rebellion began, the Mad King’s day were numbered.

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ネッドを子供として育てた谷間ヴェイルジョン・アリンと並び、バラシオン家スターク家タリー家全部が旗手を呼んだ。一たび反乱が起きれば 狂王の時代はもう終わりだ。





2. “狂王エイリス”~スターク編

参照動画→History and Lore Mad King Aerys – House Stark

2. History and Lore Mad King Aerys – House Stark

As word of king Aerys erratic and troubling behavior spread throughout the seven kingdoms, Lord Rickard Stark continued to serve his king faithfully as warden of the north, the proud father of four children. His daughter, and I honor was engaged to Robert Baratheon the young Lord of Stormsend.

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Centuries of peace between the north and the Iron Throne ended the day Rhaegar Targaryen prince of Dragonstone abducted Lyanna Engaged. Brandon Stark rode to King’s Landing demanding the release of his sister and the death of Rhaegar. Aerys arrested him for treason and called his father to come to capital to ransom him. When Lord Rickard complied Aerys now utterly mad arrested him for treason as well.

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Lord Rickard demanded a trial by combat. Aerys is declared fire the champion of House targaryen and had Lord Rickard suspended from the rafters of the throne room while pyromancers lit ablaze beneath him. As he burned, Brandon was brought into the throne room a leather cord attached to a strangulation device was wrapped around his neck. Aerys is told Brandon his father was a dead man but there was a chance to save him. A longsword was places on the floor just out of Brandon’s reach and more he struggled to reach it the more the cord tightened around his throat. Brandon Stark strangled himself trying to free his father who was roasted alive in his own armor.

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The entire court stood and watched this atrocity took place. Sir Jaime Lannister in the Kingsguard among them, the Mad king was reported to have laughed hysterically as these two noble men were tortured and brutally killed before him.

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Seeking to rid the world of all his supposed enemies Aerys is called for the head of Rickard younger son Eddard Stark and Lyanna’s betrothed Robert Baratheon. he sent word to Lord Jon Arryn who’d fostered both young men in the Eyrie to apprehend them instead. Lord Arryn join houses Stark and Baratheon in rebellion. Robert vowed to kill Rhaeger Targaryen and get his beloved Lyanna back.

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リカードはすべて“Lord Rickard”なのに狂王は“Aerys”と呼び捨て。何か所も“Air空気”と誤認識される適当発音で吐き捨てています。字幕確認してみて下さい。ホントですよ。



3. “狂王エイリス”~ラニスター編

参照動画→History and Lore Mad King Aerys – House Lannister

3. History and Lore Mad King Aerys – House Lannister

As Aerys Targaryen’s behavior grew more and more erratic, the task of ruling the Seven Kingdoms fell to me, Tywin Lannister. I had served Aerys for nealy 20 years and as a result the realm had prospered. The royal coffers were full the land was at peace. But Aerys grew increasingly hostile, jealous of the success many credited to me. My power and influence unnerved him.

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The captain of my personal guard, Sir Ellen Payne was once overheard making offhand comments regarding who was the true ruler of Westeros. When the king was given this infomation, he had Ellen Paynes’s tongue ripped out with hot pincers.

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It was my desire to unite the houses of Lannister and Targaryen through marriage. My daughter, Cercei would marry Aerys eldest son, Prince Rhaegar. Such a union made perfect sense for all parties.

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However, Aerys senses had begun to leave him quite some time earlier. Instead of uniting the royal family with its most loyal and powerful ally, Aerys chose instead to insult my family indicating the subtle match was beneath Rhaegar. Instead he chose Elia Martell of Dorne to be Rhaegar wife.

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As if to rub salt in my wounds, Aerys appointed Jamie, my son to the Kingsguard. The Kingsguard may be an honor for lesser families than ours, but it is a lifetime appointment that forces him to renounce all family holdings. This creates a difficulty in naming an heir to Casterly Rock. But Aerys knew all that.

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I had grown tired of the King’s constant provocation. Thus I resigned my post as Aerys’s hand and returned to Casterly Rock with my considerable forces. When Robert Baratheon rebelled against the throne, Aerys grew fearful that I would join with Robert’s forces and rise against him. He taught himself clever and kept Jamie very close as if warning me.

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He sunk deeper and deeper into delusion, paranoia and violence. I’ve heard it said he became obsessed with wildfire, a substance which once lit cannot be extinguished. Convinced he had enemies all around him, he wouln’t allow blades in his presence, save for those of his Kingsguard. At last that proved to be his undoing.

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4. “ロバートの反乱”~ターガリエン編

参照動画→History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – House Targaryen

4. History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – House Targaryen

The Targaryen blood of the Dragon and the last of old Valyria were loved by their subjects and admired far and wide as the greatest dynasty in the history of the Western world. But the peace and prosperity of nearly three centuries of Targaryen rule was shattered by the usurper Robert Baratheon and his band of traitors.

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House Baratheon owed its very existence to the Targaryen. Was it not Aegon the Dragon himself who elevated the bastard Oris Baratheon in the war of conquest? And what of the Starks, Lannisters, the errands of the Vale? All had been spared and allowed to keep their lands when Aegon could easily have wiped them out.

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Centuries later, the usurper and his lackeys rapaid Aegon’s benevolence with treachery. There are some who dare to claim Robert and his allies had reason to rebel. They say the crown prince stole the usurpers ladylove, they say my father King Aerys murdered Richard Stark and his son without just cause. Whether these charges are true or not, it doesn’t matter. The dragon answers to no one.

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Aerys his good name has been besmirched in the years since the rebellion. he’s been called a dangerous madman, a monster, a tyrant that brought his tragic end upon himself. Lies! My father was a victim of weakling in his Concil lackwits who failed him in his hour of need and let the rebellion spin out control.

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But it was not enough. The Royal Army was crushed at the Battle of the Trident. It was there the variant Rhaegar met Robert in single combat, but the gods betrayed him and he perished by the usurper his hand as the field of fire had marked the end of the Andals centuries before.

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The Battle of the Trident seemed to herald the end of the Dragon kings. When word reached the capital of my brother Rhaegar death, my father Aerys moved to protect me as I was the surviving heir to the throne. He sent me to the island fortress of Dragonstone along with my mother Rhaella who was great with child. But as my father, my King, Aerys Targaryen prepared to defend his throne to the bitter end. Little did he know of the horrors and betrayals that awaited him and our family.

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印象的だったのは征服王エイゴンのことを“Aegon the Conqueror”でなく“Aegon the Dragon”=エイゴン飛竜王?と表現した部分。


5. “ロバートの反乱”~バラシオン編

参照動画→History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – House Baratheon

5. History and Lore Robert`s Rebellion – House Baratheon

Rebellion, the crimes of House Targaryen were too heinous to go unanswered. The noble houses of Baratheon, Stark and Arryn united to oppose and overthrow the line of the cursed dragon kings. While Ned Stark and Arryn secured an alliance with the Tully’s of Riverrun, I called the banners of Storm’s End and rode out in force against the Mad King in his minions.

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Gods, those were some battles. Our first victory occured at Summer Hall where I faced off against an army of dragon loyalist and won three battles in a single day, three in one day. Seven hells, that was a glorious day.

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We tried to take Ashford Castle in the Reach but the Tyrell’s beat us back, we had to regroup. My army was pursued north by Aerys’s army and took refuge in the Stony Sept in the Riverlands.

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When the Targaryen army entered the town, the Sept bells tolled, a signal to the townspeople of the battle that was to come. As the Targaryen searched from house to house for me, the combined forces of Ned Stark and the Tully’s swept into the city. Gods, what a day that was. It’s now known as “The battle of bells”. We overwhelmed the Mad King forces and sent them scampering back to King’s Landing.

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Aerys’s son, Rhaegar who started the whole damn thing finaly emerged from hiding in the south and assembled his own army to facers. As for the Mad King, he must have been pissing himself.

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The battle that would decide the fate of the Seven Kingdoms occurred at the crossing of the Green Fork of the Trident river. Rhaegar commanded the royal host which was some 40,000 strong. My forces were outnumbered by nearly 5000 men, but that didn’t matter. They were fresh but we were battle-hardened and had justice on our side.

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As the battle raged around, as I faced off with Rhaegar. The stag and the dragon right there in the fort of the river. I fought with the fury of ten men raining brow after blow upon at vile Prince before buryng my warhammer in his chest. I hit him so hard the rubies on his armor broke free flinging them into the stream. They call it “The Ruby Ford” now.

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With that scrum Rhaegar dead and the royal army shattered. our next move was to make for King’s Landing. But I’d sustained a few wounds in the battle and was unable to ride. I sent Ned Stark to the capital to face the Mad King and make him pay for his crimes.

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6. “王都征圧”~ターガリエン編

参照動画→History and Lore The Sack Of King’s Landing – House Targaryen


6. History and Lore The Sack Of King’s Landing – House Targaryen

The battle of the Trident may have been an impotant victory for the usurper. But it was the treachery and barbarism of Tywin Lannister that sealed the fate of the Targaryen dynasty.

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My father, king Aerys had ever been a friend to the Lions of the rock. Aerys graciously brought Tywin to court making him youngest hand of the king in history. He gave him power, he gave him respect, he made it possible for Tywin to restore House Lannister to glory. Aerys and Tywin governed side by side for twenty prosperous years.

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Still when the usurper called his banners in rebellion, Tywin Lannister ignored his king’s pleas for help and stayed holed up in his stronghold of Casterly Rock. In time, my brother Prince Rhaeger was dead, the realm was in turmoil and the usurper forces were said to be riding for King’s Landing.

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What a glorious sight, it must have been when a force of 10,000 Lannister men showed up at the gate of the capital with Lord Tywin at their head, pledging support to his beleaguered king. Aerys opened the gates for his old friend.

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Instead Lannister and his men proceeded to plunder and destroy the city that he had called home for decades as the capital was ravaged and its people terriorized. Jamie Lannister, son of Lord Tywin proved every bit as treacheous. He killed my father, the king at the foot of the Iron Throne.

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The Lannisters entered the Red Keep, and Tywin ordered the deaths of the rest of the royal family. It is said Princess Rhaenys was found cowering under her father’s bed and put the sword. She was only a child. As for Rhaeger’s widow Elia, she was forced to watch as Lannister thugs dashed her baby son’s head against a wall before being raped and murdered herself.

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As I was the heir to my father’s throne, I had been sprited away to Dragonstone with my mother, Queen Rhaella who was with child. As a raging summer storm battered the island fortress and destroyed the Targaeryen fleet as it lay at anchor, my sister Daenerys was born. My mother, the Queen died giving birth.

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Now some 17 years later, the rightful king still lives in exile. But a day of reckoning is coming. I will sail west as Aegon the dragon did centuries before. I will take back my father’s throne with blood and fire. And I will punish the treacherous dogs who sought to destroy. My family and the people shall rejoice.

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7. “王都征圧”~バラシオン編

参照動画→History and Lore The Sack Of King’s Landing – House Baratheon


7. History and Lore The Sack Of King’s Landing – House Baratheon

For our rebellion to succeed, King’s Landing had to be taken forcefully. No one was foolish enough to believe that Aerys was gonna hand his crown over peacefully? The mad king’s reign needed to end. What Tywin Lannister’s forces did was unfortunate, but it was necessary to secure the iron throne and bring peace and justice to the Seven Kingdoms.

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My glorious victory at the Trident left me wounded, but I sent my personal maester to attend to Sir Barristan Selmy instead, his wounds were more severe. Even though Sir Barristan was a member of Aerys’s kingsguard and fought on the opposing side, that man’s bravery and loyalty was something to behold. But this meant my wounds would take longer to heal, and I couldn’t ride to King’s Landing myself.

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I sent the one man I trusted over anyone else in this world Ned Stark in my place. Had I been able to ride perhaps I could have reached King’s Landing sooner and prevented some of the violence that occurred when the Lannisters enterd the city. Still Lord Tywin did was for the greater good even what happened to princess Elia and her children.

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Babies all know theirs was the same cursed blood that flowed within the mad kings veins. They were dragon spawn and couldn’t be allowed to survive. What wolud they grow to be loyal sujects?

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Ned with his damned northern honor, he and I had our first major fight over the deaths of the Targaryen children. Ned called it, Murder!, Murder! It was war, it was war! Lord Stark demanded that the Lannisters be held responsible for thier crimes. Was it a crime to put an end to a family of lunatics born of incest? I wouldn’t and still won’t blame Tywin.

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Instead I sent Ned Stark south to finish off the remaing Targaryen loyalists. It was only Lyanna Stark’s death that reconciled us. Ned had lost his sister, I had lost my betrothed and beloved. We shared that sad bond together Ned and I. Through it our friendship was made strong again.

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As for the mad king’s surviving heirs, those that were able to scurry away in the face of my fury now live somewhere across the Narrow Sea. They had best stay there. If they ever set foot in Westeros again, they will face the King’s justice.

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They will face the King‘s hammer.”

8. “王都征圧”~スターク編

参照動画→History and Lore The Sack Of King’s Landing – House Stark


8. History and Lore The Sack Of King’s Landing – House Stark

Robert Baratheon’s victory at the Trident was a turning point in the war for the Iron Throne. While it was clear the gods were smiling on the rebel forces, Aerys Targaryen still held the Red Keep at King’s Landing. As Robert was wounded and unable to ride, it was up to Eddard Stark to make for the capital and force the Mad King to give up the throne.

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Lord Stark reached the city gates, to find that Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock had already sacked the city in Robert’s main. House Lannister had remained neutral up to this point, ignoring requests for help from both the crown and the rebels. Now that Robberts eventual victory was assured, it seemed Lord Tywin had finally chosen the side.

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Lord Eddard was horrified by what he was saw when he enterd the city. Homes looted and burned, women raped, scores of innocent citizens killed. Disgusted he led his force up the Sonia’s hill to the Red Keep.

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Upon entering the throne room, he found king Aerys lying in a pool of blood. Dead by the hand of his own sworm kingsguard, Jaime Lannister who sat brazenly upon the throne.

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Demanding to know the Whereabouts of Queen Rhaella, Lord Eddard was informed the Queen and her son, Viserys had been spirited away to Dragonstone before the Lannisters arrived.

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But other members of the royal family were not as fortunate. Elia Martell of Dorne who was the wife of Prince Rhaegar had raped and murdered by Sir Gregor Clegane on Lord Tywin’s orders. Sir Gregor and his man had also butchered Rhaegar’s young children.

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When Robert was well enough to reach the capital, Lord Eddard demanded the Lannister’s answer for thier heinous crimes. Robert refused and sent him south to relieve the Baratheon stronghold of Strom’s End which was still under siege by forces loyal to the crown. Whatever words passed between the two old friends and only to them. But Lord Eddard is said to have left King’s Landing in honor.

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Later when Robert was crowned, he apponted Jon Arryn, his hand of the King. Lord Arryn’s first order of business was to broker a truce with the Martel’s of Dorne who were outraged by the brutal murder of princess Elia and her children.

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Following the death of Lyanna Stark who had been betrothed to Robert, Houses Baratheon and Lannister were joined in marriage when the new King took Tywin Lannister’s eldest daughter Cersei as his Queen. As for Eddard Stark, he returned to his stronghold of Winterfell, forever hauted by his sister’s death and the shamefull way that Robert had secured his throne.

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9. “王都征圧”~ラニスター編

参照動画→History and Lore The Sack Of King’s Landing – House Lannister


9. History and Lore The Sack Of King’s Landing – House Lannister

Rhaeger Targaryen lay dead on the banks of the Trident. His royal Army shattered and in retreat.The day of the Dragon Kings were clearly numbered. Until that moment it would have been foolish to commit Casterly Rock to either the crown or the rebellion. What would our family have to gain in supporting a raving madman or in entering a crusader, Robert Baratheon on the Iron Throne?

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But chaos benefits no one. It was time for House Lannister to do what it could to ensure a return of peace and prosperity to the land. I, Tywin Lannister brought 10,000 Lannister troops to the gates of King’s Landing in order to bring the bloodshed to a quick and decisive conclusion. King Aerys had been sending Ravens for months begging for my support to end the uprising. In a way, his pleas have been answered. As I had susupected, Aerys opened the city gates and welcomed my men.

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Our plan was clear, crush Aerys remaining bannermen and remove the remnants of the royal family as quickly and efficiently as possible. Any alternative meant years of further war and fragmented Seven Kingdoms. Our means were bloodly, but the results speak for themselfs.

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As for Aerys, it is true he met his fate at the hands of my son. Aerys had kept Jamie close during the rebellion, thinking himself cleaver, in keeping my son as a hostage. Should I decide to pledge support to the rebel cause? This proved to be his greatest mistake. For when the time came, Jamie did his duty as a Lannister, and rove his sword into the Mad Kings back. With that Robert Baratheon’s crown was secured.

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The new king recognized our role in his ascension to the throne. Just as he recognized how useful the might and riches of Crasterly Rock would be, if he wanted to keep it. To that end I offered my daughter Cersei as his Queen. Had Aerys not spurned this same offer years earlier, perhaps things would have worked out differently with Robart and Ceisei crowned as king and queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

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It was a new day. The dragon was vanquished and Seven Kingdoms would thereafter belong to the stag, and the Lion.

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A Lannister always pays his debts.








10. “ロバートの反乱”~シーズン2特典 キャトリン談

シーズン2参照動画→History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – Catelyn Stark

10. History and Lore of Westeros – Robert’s Rebellion – Catelyn Stark

“Family, Duty, Honor”. Every Tully child learns our words, but I was a woman before I understood them.

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Years before, my father had taken to foster, the son of a wartime friend, a minor Lord on the Fingers. The boy had arrived at our castle as Petyr Baelish, due to his home in size, my brother soon named him “Littlefinger”.

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When I came of age, Brandon Stark of Winterfell sought and won my hand to my father. Brandon was heir to the north and a suitable match for a daughter of house Tully. To me, Brandon was wild and terrifying never far from laughter or trouble. I loved him with all the fire of the first passion, much I came to realize as Petyr loved me. When Petyr heard my engagement, he challenged Brandon to a duel. Petyr survived only because I begged Brandon not to kill him. I still thought of Petyr as family. Now I wish I had let him die.

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Only days before my wedding when I thought to be happy forever, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen abducted Brandon’s sister, Lyanna. hot-blooded as always Brandon immediately rode for King’s Landing to demand justice. Which the Mad King, Aerys Targaryen gave him in his own twisted fashion. The day the raven arrived with the news of my Brandon’s death, I locked myself in a room and refused to eat for days until my father reminded me of my duty. I was to marry Eddard, Brandon’s younger brother. A man whom I had never met though of whom none spoke ill or spoke anything at all.

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Our union with cement an alliance of the North, Vale, Stormland and Riverland in rebellion against the Mad King.I was a Tully, I did my duty. We were married quickly and were spared only one night before he had to return to the field. I spent the war by the windows waiting for a raven to hear of my son would grow up fatherless or at all. We knew the price of defeat.

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I scoured the kitchens and washing rooms for any and all gossip.
“Robert had won and crushed the Mad King.”
“Robert had lost but Jamie Lannister was now King.”
“Robert had almost won but the Mad King had become a dragon and burned King’s Landing to ash.”
At night, I told myself the war would end soon and bring peace either a victory or the grave. I was wrong. Robert won and my husband avenged his brother and my love.

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But when he came home to me, He could not meet my eyes. I saw the reason by his side. Many men have basterd, I know, and under the strain of war any man no matter how honourble may forsake his vows for a night of warmth that he may never know again. But Nedd Stark was not built like other men. His northern honor would not let him sequester his shame in some distant holdfast.

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He brought this boy, this Jon Snow home to raise with his true born children, my children. Yet even these bitter memories are sweet, no. They are all I have left of my Nedd. Our family is broken and scattered. And our son must wage a war for the pieces. We need to go home. The Starks are of the north and like snows of winter. When they come surf they melt away.

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11. “ロバートの反乱”~シーズン2特典 マージェリー談


シーズン2参照動画→History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – Margaery Tyrell


11. History and Lore of Westeros – Robert’s Rebellion – Margaery Tyrell

Some great houses call us upstarts, but the truth is that while the Stark’s and Lannister’s fell to the Targaryen then defeat, house Tyrell rose.

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For thousands of years our family served as loyal stewards to the kings of the Reach, until the last of their line unwisely burned to death, resisting the Targaryen invaders. To save the Raech from as similar fate, we yielded the castle of Highgarden to Aegon and his sisters. In gratitude, the Targaryen gave house Tyrell dominion over the Reach, and we became Lord of the castle in which for generations, we had served.

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Under the Targaryen dynasty, Westaros prospered, gone were the petty wars of Seven Kingdoms and the endless thirst for minor glories that drove them. The Westerland’s enriched the realm, the north guarded it, and the Reach and Riverlands fed it. This harmony is what Robert baratheon shattered with his rebellion against Aerys Targaryen.

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When the call to arms came, though we did not wat to answer, the Reach is a gentle land and honestly, the Mad King was not much loved, but we owed peace and status to his family. My father, Mace Tyrell called his banners and marched north to battle the rogue storm Lord Robert who had already defeated three forces in as sibgle day, and at Ashford my father won. Some chase and my father for not pursuing Robert after battle, we had cut him off from the Stormland the seat his power, and he had fled north.

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Within easy grasp of Lord Tywin Lannister, the hand of Aerys for 20 years, my father moved instead to lay siege to Robert’s ancestral stronghold of Storm’s End. The Rose would strangle the stack as the Lion pounced, so we waited. But the Lions slumbered and Robert slipped past the Kings forces to join Nedd Stark.

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We could have lifted the siege and deployed our armies north to aid the crown. We could have stormed the walls of the castle and made Robert homeless. But we had ample supplies, control of land, of sea and most of all patience. Our siege would succeed, eventually at little cost of life to us. If Robert prolonged the war with minor victories, our capture of Storms’ End would hasten his downfall, and if Robert won the war. Well, it would not do for him to find us his falls with the bodies of his brother, Stannis and his sworn men.

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When the Lion finally showed his colors and purged King’s Landing, we knew our cause was lost. My father chose the peaceful route and bent the knee to Robert who heartily perdoned us. Strange, consindering how we’d beaten him and starved his brother to the brink of death.

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We were to keep our lands, castle in title, but we knew that we would never be welcome at court. It didn’t matter, the Reach was still the most fertile of the Seven kingdoms and under our hand. Every flower, even the rose needs pruning, then it grows strong.

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12. “ロバートの反乱”~シーズン2特典 スタニス談


シーズン2参照動画→History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – Stannis Baratheon

12. History and Lore of Westeros – Robert’s Rebellion – Stannis Baratheon

My brother, Robert baratheon had raised the banners of Storm’s End, our ancestral castle against the Mad King, Aerys. Jon Arryn of the Vale and Eddard Stark of the North stood with him, and Hoster Tully of Riverlands would join.

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But their lands were far from ours and separated by the combined strength of the West, the Reach and King’s Landing itself. even Robert’s own Lords were against him. It was the hardest choice I’ve ever made my brother of my king. Blood or honor. Heir is ruled by right of all the raws in Westeros. Everyone knew the price of defiance, but there are deeper older laws “The younger brother dowels before the elder”. I followed Robert.

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Early in the war, Mace Tyrell is in decisive victory at Ashford cut Robert off from Storm’s End. They said of pursuing Robert and risking his record, Mace Tyrell turned east and laid seeds to our home. His vast army and navy encircled us and prevented any resupply by land or sea. If a wagon tried to reach us, it was burnt, if a ship tried to land, it was sunk. We were locked in Storm’s End to starve but Robert commanded me to hold the castle no matter the cost. He could not afford to lose his ancient seat which had never fallen.

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While Robert smashed Rhaegar on the Trident, my men ate the dogs, becouse they’re horses had already been devoured. While the Lannisters sacked King’s Landing, we ate the rats. If the smuggler Davos had not slipped through the Tyrell blockade with his onions, We’d have eaten our own dead.

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But I held the castle until Lord Eddard remenbered us and marched to lift the siege. The Tyrell’s didn’t even put up a fight. And Robert threw a feast to calebrate Lord Eddard victory.

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I was sent to the royal island stronghold of Dragonstone to deal with Viserys and Deanerys, the last surviving Targaryen’s children. Before I arrived, however they escaped across the Narrow Sea, Robert was furious. He stripped me of Storm’s End gave it to that prancing fool Renly, my younger brother. I could keep Dragonstone.

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Now Robert is dead and a bastard pretender soils my throne while the realm fills with schemers and traitors. But the rightful king is coming for them all, and I will not stop until I have scoured this land clean of abomination. The Baratheon say “Ours is the fury”. I will show them fury burns.

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今やロバートは死に、王国内は陰謀家や裏切り者が溢れ、落とし子の偽物が私の王座にしがみつく。が、そいつら全員にとって正統な王がやって来る。はこの地から醜悪物を一掃しこの土地を磨き切るまでまで止めない。バラシオンは “氏神は復讐の女神“。奴らに怒りの炎を見せてやる。





13. “ロバートの反乱”~シーズン2特典 ダヴォスシーワース談


シーズン2参照動画→History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – Stannis Baratheon

13. History and Lore of Westeros – Robert’s Rebellion – Davos Seaworth

In king’s Landing, if you leave the Red Keep and aren’t careful, you may find yourself in flea bottom. In such a cesspool that house Seaworth of its glorious start. I got out as soon as, I could find and work on as smuggler ship. Soon, every port on the Narrow Sea had a bounty on me which they were collective. I didn’t pay a percentage to the right people or pick the right tides.

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You know how to tell a good smuggler? When you talk to one, there’s a head that talks back. I was very good ,Davos, a flea bottom had won were the orphans and beggars but Davos, the smuggler was received by merchants and Lords when nobody would catch them. Oddly, the only honest work came from pirates like the notorious bloodthirsty Salladhor Saan, an old friend. All he ever wanted was someone to buy his cargo quickly before the tide, left and sell it without telling where I got it.

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In time and saved enough to buy a small plot of land and found a woman who was kind enough to overlook my trade. She gave me a son, Matthos. And we dreamt of the trade a circle around the Jade Sea. Just one trip, and I could settle us and our family for life. Then some Storm Lord revolted against the iron throne. Wars are not as good for smugglers as you’d think, every harbor fills with guards and inspectors and the seas filled with blockades and pirates paid by each side to prey on the other. Though I had no love the Mad King, I’ve grown up around the power of King’s Landing. I figure this Robert Baratheon would end the same as the other rebel Lords, burnt to ash, but he didn’t. The North, the Riverlands and the Vale joined him. And then the taverns people drank of Robert’s health urbanely, brave fools our thought. But I had a family. Who’d be left in the call of I lost my head?

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When Mace Tyrell marched on Robert’s home, Storm’s End, I spy at the end of the rebellion, the castle was garrisoned by Robert’s younger brother, Stannis and a small guard and would not hold out for long. When it fell Robert would be homeless and his support had bleed away, this, I knew from experience. Months later, Stannis was still holded in the castle, nobody cared, but on voyages. I had seen what famine does and a thought of all those men and Storm’s End who would die unwarned and forgotten. No better than flea bottom orphans. And told my wife and myself. But I’d get a high price for the onions and salt beef and truth. And it would be captured by the Tyrell, galleys are drowned. But I was too stubborn.

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Later that night, in the dark in a tiny boat with a black sail, I cursed myself, and the moonlight as I waited for the tide to turn. When it did the wind beat the sails so hard, I ripped it down fearing the Tyrell ships would hear, locally that grown lacks with muffled oars alone. I steered my cargo through the treacherous currents and snares of rock that give shipbreaker bay its name. The waves finally cariied me, soarked and near blind from seawater through the mouth of the cavern beneath a castle.

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Then Stannis Baratheon arrived. The siege had left him gaont but not weak, never weak. He greeted me and accepted my onions with cool courtesy, betrayed, no emotion even as all wept. He told of the food to his wife and each of his men before he ate himself a portion no larger than any other. When he finally thanked me, I could see his mind. And already returned to the castles defense, his duty.

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After Aerys fell and Lord Stark lifted the siege. Stannis only, for my salvation a Storm’s End I was to be granted a knighthood a keep a my own and my son taken in the Stannis’s of personal service. Davos of flea bottom had become sir Davos of house Seaworth and his son would serve the King’s own brother.

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But for my previous crimes as a smugger, I was to have the fingertips of one hand taken off above the highest joint. Stannis held that I had floated the laws of the land for years and a good act does not wash out the bad, in one fell swoop on five. Stannis gave my son a future, my family a name that I could never have imagined nor earned on my own. I still keep the finger bones in a bag around my neck to remind me what I was and what I order Stannis. For do remind, many years as a smuggler, have visted many ports taverns and back alleys and so many things in this world, but never justice, until Stannis.

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そんなことより、蚤のたまり場出身の読み書きできない演出と思われますが、文間に適当単語、口語そのままの大幅省略「Until Stannis.」とか。






14. “ロバートの反乱”~シーズン3特典 ヴァリス&リトルフィンガー会談

シーズン3参照動画→History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – Petyr Baelish and Varys


14. History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – Petyr Baelish and Varys

(Varys)For three hundred years, the Targaryen dynasty ruled Westeros. Wars were still fought, homes still burned and men still died, but compared to the chaos of what came before, the realm was stable.
(Littlefinger)And boring. The Targaryens lied, killed, and thieved as much as other lords. They just had dragons to answer all complaints. Until they didn’t. When the last dragon died, it was only a matter of time before the Targaryens followed.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefinger「退屈でしたね。ターガリエン家は他の王と同じ位嘘をつき、殺し、盗みを働いた。絶滅するまでは彼らには苦情全て黙らせるドラゴンが居た。最後のドラゴンが死にターガリエンがその絶滅に続くのは時間の問題だった。」

(Varys)By “only,” you mean another century?
(Littlefinger)Which they wasted trying to replace their lost advantage, incinerating their own palaces to hatch dragon eggs, drinking wildfire to become dragons, and, let’s not forget the Mad King’s favorite, burning men alive so he could pretend to be a dragon.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefinger「失った力を取り戻そうと彼らはその期間を無駄にした。ドラゴンの卵を孵すために宮殿を焼き払い、ドラゴンになろうと鬼火を飲んだり、忘れてはならないのはドラゴンのように生きたまま人を焼き殺したことだ。狂王のお気に入りだ。」


(Varys)We urged Aerys to pardon Brandon Stark. The boy had threatened Prince Rhaegar, but Rhaegar had stolen the boy’s sister, and the boy was the eldest son of our Warden of the North.
(Littlefinger)Who is the greater fool? a mad king or the man who reasons with him? Aerys saw knives in every shadow. When you told him to treat the Starks with caution, you made him afraid and what he feared he killed.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefinger狂王狂王説得する者、どっちがアホだ?エイリスは全ての影にナイフを見てたんだ。スターク家に慎重に接しろとあなたを怖がらせたんだ。だから恐れる者を殺したんだ。」

(Varys)I wouldn’t have thought you of all people would bother with recriminations for Brandon’s death, Lord Baelish. Not after your, shall we call it, “duel” with him?
(Littlefinger)Brandon was as arrogant as he was stupid; like his father, Lord Stark, who answered Aerys’ summon to the capital. They earned their fates. But the younger son, Ned, what was his crime? That Aerys ordered his death as well?

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefingerブランドンは傲慢で愚かだった。エイリスの王都召喚に応じた父のスターク公もだ。彼らは運命を自ら招いたんだ。でも次男ネッドの罪は何だったんだ?何を理由にエイリスの死も命じた?」


(Varys)Unlike men, families do not die when you lop off their head.
(Littlefinger)At the very least, you should have pointed out that loyal and dutiful Ned was living with Jon Arryn, a proud and over-righteous lord with an impregnable castle and no sons of his own. Perhaps you could have spared Aerys the “embarrassment” of revolt.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefinger「忠義に厚いネッドが、難攻不落の城を持ち、息子も居らず、誇り高く正義感の強い領主ジョン・アリンと共に暮らすことを少なくとも指摘すべきだった。さすれば恐らく、あなた反乱の辱めからエイリスを救えたはずだ。」


(Varys)If only we’d had the foresight to consult you, Lord Baelish, but I suppose first we’d have had to know who you were.
(Littlefinger)Nobody knew Robert Baratheon either, yet he claimed the right to sit on the Iron Throne.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefingerロバート・バラシオンだって誰も知らなかったぞ。でも彼は鉄の玉座に座る権利を主張したぞ。」


(Varys)He had Targaryen blood through his mother.
(Littlefinger)A pretty dress for an ugly truth. It was war. And he could swing a hammer harder than the other options. When did you know you’d lost, Lord Varys?

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefinger「醜い真実を隠すための綺麗なドレス。それが戦争だ。他の候補より強くがハンマーを振るえたんだヴァリス公はどのタイミングで負けを悟った?」


(Varys)When Robert Baratheon killed Prince Rhaegar on the Trident.
(Littlefinger)Wrong. You lost the war when you let Ned Stark slip back into the North. Neither the Bloody Gate of the Vale or Moat Cailin in the North have ever fallen. They could have held out for years even if you’d killed Robert, but you let him slip through your fingers as well.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefinger「その認識が間違いだ。ネッド・スタークを北部に逃がした時点で負けが確定したんだ。谷間血みどろの門も要塞ケイリン陥落したことがない。もしあなた方ロバートを殺したとしても何年も持ち堪えられた。でもあなた方を逃がした。」


(Varys)I told the court that Robert was hiding in the Stoney Sept, but the Hand of the King wasted too much time searching the city. Something about the glory of single combat. Then Ned Stark’s army arrived to save the day.
(Littlefinger)Too bad Lord Tywin wasn’t Hand any longer. He would have simply razed the town and been done with it.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefinger「残念ながらタイウィン公が既に王の手でなかったのがまずかった。なら町を破壊して終わってたろう。」

(Varys)Perhaps. And perhaps the rebels would have found even more of the countryside flocking to their banners.
(Littlefinger)I’d almost forgotten. You weren’t always so loyal to the Lannisters during the war, were you?

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefinger「忘れるところだった。戦中あなたは常にラニスター家に忠義を尽くしたのか?」

(Varys)I did my duty to the realm. When Lord Tywin showed up at King’s Landing professing loyalty, I warned Aerys not to open the gates. Prince Rhaegar was dead, our army scattered. The lion does not stir unless he smells meat.
(Littlefinger)I admire your powers of persuasion, Lord Varys. Few could traffic on so many secrets to so little avail.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefingerヴァリス公、あなたの説得力には感心する。これだけ多くの秘密を金に一切代えず売りさばく者は居ませんよ。」

(Varys)Grand Maester Pycelle told Aerys what he wanted to hear, that his old friend Tywin was there to save him.
(Littlefinger)Then Aerys’s old friend sacked the city, and his son stabbed Aerys in the back.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefinger「その後そのエイリスの“旧友”が街を略奪し、その息子エイリスを背後から刺したんですね。」

(Varys)A regrettable though necessary action.
(Littlefinger)As were the pardons the new King Robert bestowed upon the royalists. Mace Tyrell, Barristan Selmy, you.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefingerロバート新王元王側に与えた恩赦も同様に必要な行動だった。メイス・タイレルに、バリスタン・セルミーに、そしてあなた。」

(Varys)King Robert wisely chose order over vengeance.
(Littlefinger)Jon Arryn wisely chose for Robert. But Jon Arryn died, then Robert, then Ned. So ended their glorious revolution.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefingerジョン・アリンは賢明にもロバートを選んだ。しかしジョン・アリンが死に、ロバートが、そしてネッドが死んだ。こうして彼らの輝かしい革命は終わった。」

(Varys)And Westeros has been burning ever since.
(Littlefinger)Let it.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefinger「燃やしておけ。」

(Varys)How Targaryen of you. One of the mad ones.
(Littlefinger)Fire turns even the proudest oaks to ash, leaving newer roots space to climb.

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ゲースロキャストicon|ピーター・ベイリッシュ/Petyr Baelishリトルフィンガー/Littlefinger「火は最も価値のあるオークさえ灰に変え、新根が育つ場所を空けてくれるんですよ。」

15. “ロバートの反乱”~シーズン4特典 オベリン・マーテル談

シーズン4参照動画→History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – Oberyn Martell


15. History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – Oberyn Martell

Twice the Targaryens tried to conquer Dorne with soldiers. Twice they failed. Only when the dragon kings came bearing husbands and wives did my ancestors relent and agree to join their Seven Kingdoms. House Martell could have waged war until the end of days, but how could we resist a peace we could take to bed? For centuries, the Iron Throne had no more loyal ally than the Princes of Dorne.

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Since we had never fallen to them, we kept our ancestral title. Perhaps this is what drew Rhaegar Targaryen to us. His royal parents had not produced a sister for him to wed, so he had to look elsewhere for a princess, and there was only one in Westeros. Elia of House Martell, my sister. She was not the most beautiful woman in the world or even in Dorne. But, rare for a woman from our land, her flower came with no thorns. She was kind and clever with a gentle heart. I loved her. I feared for her. For years, I fended off lesser men from her. But when Rhaegar came, even I failed. He was beautiful, and the crown prince of the Seven Kingdoms. And our mother had worked so hard to secure the match. How could Elia not accept it? They were wed, and he took Elia from her home, from those who loved her and would die for her and locked her in his Red Keep above his sty of a city surrounded by false friends. She bore him a daughter and a son, though each almost cost her her life.

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Elia loved Rhaegar, she obeyed him, and he chose to steal away Lyanna Stark, a pale northern girl whose veins ran with ice like all of her people. Instead of disciplining his faithless son, King Aerys executed the Starks when they came seeking justice and ignited a revolt. I know how the maesters describe the war now but calling it “Robert’s Rebellion” does not change what it was. The War of the Usurper. Dorne sided with the Crown, for when we swear oaths, we keep them. We needed no threats from King Aerys, though he made them anyway, locking Elia and her children in the Red Keep to ensure our loyalty. Even in his madness, he knew that no true Dornishman would ever take up arms against our beloved princess and that we would fight to the death for whatever side she was on.

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At the Trident, Dorne lost ten thousand men and two princes. My uncle in the Kingsguard and Elia’s gallant husband Prince Rhaegar, who was too slow or too arrogant for Robert’s war hammer. As Robert’s army marched on King’s Landing, the Mad King sent his own wife and child away but kept my sister and hers inside. In his madness, Aerys thought the Dornish had betrayed his son at the Trident and was only too happy to welcome his one true friend back into his ranks. Tywin Lannister. Lord Tywin’s army sacked his friend’s city while Lord Tywin’s son murdered the king he had sworn to protect. All of this could have been forgiven. War is terrible, and men must become terrible to wage it.

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But the Lannisters knew that as long as Elia and her children, Prince Rhaegar’s heirs, lived, no usurper could safely sit the Throne. So Lord Tywin’s dog, Ser Gregor Clegane, the Mountain, made Elia watch as he murdered her daughter and dashed her infant son’s head against a wall. Then with her baby’s blood still on his hands, he raped Elia and murdered her. When Lord Tywin later presented their bodies to Robert Baratheon wrapped in pretty Lannister cloaks, I have been told the red color graciously hid the blood from men’s eyes.

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The Targaryens talk of fire and blood. In Dorne, our blood is fire. If Robert Baratheon had dared set foot in Dorne during his reign, he would have lost the foot. And it is not even him we blame for Elia. The Lannisters think their gold buys them power. The Lannisters think their Mountain buys them strength. But if they want peace, they cannot buy it with mountains of gold or one Mountain of steel. They must pay in blood.

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16. “ロバートの反乱”~シーズン5特典 バリスタン・セルミー談

シーズン5参照動画→History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – Barristan Selmy

16. History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – Barristan Selmy

Barristan, the Bold. they call me to my face. I know what they say behind my back, Barristan, the Old. That is true. I am old, with hair as white as all the winters I have seen. The older a man grows, the less sleep he needs. These days I barely sleep at all. When darkness falls over this strange city, I find myself visited by the faces of the kings I have served. The faces of those I swore to protect. The faces of those I failed. All I ever wanted was to live a life of honor, defending a king worthy of service. During the War of the Ninepenny Kings, I sought out Maelys, the Monstrous, last of the Blackfyre Pretenders, who had started this whole war. Maelys believed that his Targaryen blood gave him a claim to the Iron Throne. I made sure that his blood claimed nothing more than the dirt around his corpse. To show his gratitude, the King elevated me to his Kingsguard. It was the proudest moment of my life. But that king died, and I wasn’t with him. Not that I could have saved him if I had been. But still, I vowed to do better with his son, young Prince Aerys.

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For twenty years, his reign was peaceful and prosperous. Aerys was well-loved by his people and respected by his lords. But as years went on, Aerys’ temper soured. He became obsessed with dragons and fire, and the swords of the Kingsguard couldn’t defend him from the enemies he saw lurking in every shadow. My king went mad. But there was hope; his son and heir. Prince Rhaegar was everything a kingdom could hope for in a ruler; he was strong but gentle, wise and cautious, and a good friend. No matter the wounds Aerys dug into the realm, we had faith that his son would sew it back together again when he ascended the throne.

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Then came Lord Whent’s tourney at Harrenhal, the largest ever in Westeros. I unhorsed every man against me until only Prince Rhaegar remained. We each set our feet in our saddles and lowered our lances and charged, and I fell. Muddy and bruised, I then watched Rhaegar present Lyanna Stark with the victor’s crown of roses, though she was betrothed to Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar himself was married to Elia Martell. We all know what happened after. If I had I been a bit quicker with my lance, had I chosen a faster horse, perhaps I could have spared the kingdom from the destruction that came after. Or if I had thought to warn Brandon Stark against his rashness. He came to King’s Landing himself demanding Rhaegar return his sister. Poor fool. If he had only known the depth of Aerys’ madness, he wouldn’t have dared provoke him.

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Aerys ordered Brandon imprisoned, while I could do nothing but obey. When Brandon’s father, Lord Rickard Stark, came to King’s Landing to beg for his son, Aerys burned him alive, while I could do nothing but watch. I had sworn a vow to a mad king and was honor-bound to obey him, even at the cost of my soul. Ravens soon arrived with dark news for the king. the Vale was in open revolt. Demanding Lyanna Stark’s return, Robert Baratheon was smashing any army that dared face him. Eddard Stark, Brandon’s younger brother, was marching the whole of the North down the Neck and had taken Catelyn Tully, Brandon’s betrothed, for his own, thus winning the support of the Riverlands. The king sent ravens to Casterly Rock to beg his former Hand, Tywin Lannister, for help, and no ravens returned.

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A plan was devised. Prince Rhaegar would personally lead the royal forces, now reinforced with ten thousand Dornishmen, north to face Robert, while the Kingsguard, Lewyn Martell and I, would ride with the prince. Before we left, the prince confided in me that when he returned from this battle, there would be a great many changes in court. Despite my vows to the king, I confess I was excited. On the march to face Robert’s army, we were sure we would win. We had superior numbers and we had Prince Rhaegar. His presence lifted the spirits of our men and he looked every inch the king he was destined to become. But at the Trident the gods played a cruel joke. Robert proved the Baratheon words as his army smashed through our lines. Lewyn Martell was killed, I fell in combat badly wounded and could do nothing but watch as Robert’s war hammer ended Rhaegar’s glorious reign before it began, and the kingdom that would never be washed away down the Trident with his life’s blood.

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Yet Robert spared me, insisting his personal maester tend to my wounds out of respect. But respect for what? A Kingsguard shouldn’t survive one king, let alone two, and one who should have been. I swore an oath to House Targaryen, and I failed them. All that is left of their fire is a single ember halfway across the world, surrounded by darkness. If the gods were good, I would still be young in the fullness of strength. But whatever the cost, I will not let this ember go out. This time I will not fail.

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17. “ロバートの反乱”~シーズン6特典 ジェイミー・ラニスター談

シーズン6参照動画→History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – Jaime Lannister


16. History and Lore Robert’s Rebellion – Jaime Lannister

Kingslayer. A word every man and woman in Westeros spits at me, though many can’t name the king I slayed. I understand. To them, I’m a symbol of everything they’ll never have and a warning that’ll never apply. So they can loathe me from the safety of their small lives. But when a dog goes mad, we put it down. Why not a king?

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I was never supposed to be on the Kingsguard. Oh, as a boy, I dreamed of the white cloak like all boys. But I was heir to Tywin Lannister, Hand of the King. If he forbade the tides, the waves would cease. Then I was fifteen, and my father was congratulating me on my new knighthood in the Red Keep. I wonder if that was the last time he was proud of me.

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That night, there was a knock on my door, and I’d opened it to find my sister Cersei disguised as a simple serving girl. I hadn’t seen her since my father took her to court when she was twelve. She had grown up. As had I. She told me that my father planned to marry me off to Lysa Tully. But she could arrange for the king to raise me to the Kingsguard so I could stay in the city with her. All I had to do was agree. I made the obvious objections. Our family, our father, Casterly Rock. Until she asked, Is it a rock you want, or me? Come morning, she had my consent. I would join the Kingsguard for her. I would forswear my lands and title for her. I would forsake our family for her.

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Soon, a royal raven commanded my father to present me to the King during the Great Tourney at Harrenhal to say my vows. My father erupted in fury. He could not object openly, but he resigned the Handship and returned to Casterly Rock, taking Cersei with him. Instead of being together, Cersei and I exchanged places. Then, everything started to fall apart. At Harrenhal, King Aerys made a great show of my investiture. I knelt before him in gleaming armor and swore the oath of the Kingsguard. Once Ser Gerold Hightower raised me up and put the white cloak on my shoulders, a roar went up from the crowd. I admit, despite my father’s anger, I was happy. And foolish.

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